i ICM - Group

We provide integrated and diversified services and solutions for your business!

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About Us

ICM Group provides integrated and diversified services and solutions. These include e-commerce, coaching, consulting, entrepreneurship education and business support services.
It seeks to partner with individuals, organisations and emerging entrepreneurs and businesses to improve performance.
The company provides its services through different subsidiaries some of which are separately incorporated.

Institute for Career Management

ICM is a human capital develoment company focusing on skills development, education, training, mentoring and coaching

ICM Stores

Everything you need to start selling worldwide, delivered in 24hrs!

Sunwise Warehouse

Selling more than 200 products in different categories


Buy and download your digital education and marketing resources here


Skills Development and Training

Skills development and training is at the heart of the ICM Group. Its founders have been involved in the facilitation and implementation of the National Skills Development Strategy since 2004. Skills development services are provided through it’s training division, The Institute of Career Management (ICM). The institute has full institutional accreditation with the ETDP Seta. For more information please visit www.icminstitute.co.za

Business Coaching

ICM Group focuses mainly on start-up and small business coaching. This division is led by the Founder and CEO, Mr Nhlanhla Goba. He is a professional educator, certified life, business coach and behavioural change expert. ICM Group has a team of highly qualified, experienced and accredited associate coaches. Thus the company covers a wide spectrum of coaching services including but not limited to life, business, relationship, marriage, executive and behavioural change.

ICM Group mission is to help people who want to start businesses to start right and to assist those who have already started to do things right. The focus is more on the psychology behind business success than just telling people what to do. Our consulting and mentoring division does that. To succeed in business, you need to understand psychological factors influencing success or failure. ICM Group provides a one stop solution for all business needs ranging from business growth, marketing, sales, finance, wealth and funding, legal and HR.

E-Commerce and Drop-shipping

ICM Stores is a division of the ICM Group that seeks to empower individuals who want to enter the e-commerce space by through designing and selling ready- made e-commerce stores. ICM Stores provides this service through a partnership with Ready Made Stores and Dropstores, both well-known and experienced players in the drop shipping space. Our e-commerce resources division www.icmstores.com, is an online store that sells ready made dropshipping stores and provides marketing and other resources for e-commerce entrepneurs. Through our solar products store we sell more than 200 solar energy products and solutions: www.sunwisewarehouse.com.

Entrepreneurship Education

Entrepreneurship Education is provided through the The Institute of Career Management. A recent study by the founder entitled “Factors Influencing Self Employment Intent, Attitude and Perceived Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy’’ concluded that business and entrepreneurial education is one of the key factors responsible for entrepreneurial or business success or failure. Further, the study found that a large number of people who start businesses have little or no business skills education. This accounts for the high failure rate among start-ups and small businesses.

Health and Wellness Education and Services

Our institute, provides accredited and non-accredited health and wellness education. For many reasons, South Africans suffer from the psychological effects of mental, abuse and trauma which remain firmly embedded in their sub-conscious minds. Unfortunately, there is an acute shortage of mental health interventions including education and services. Thus, the scourge of poor mental health continues with disastrous consequences. Family dysfunction, physical and emotional abuse, personality disorders, toxic relationships, killings, unproductive employees are but a few examples of challenges that society is faced with. The Mental Health Policy Framework (MHPF) has concluded that mental health is the foundation for the overall well-being of our society. ICM Group aims to play a big role in this space by raising awareness through education, counselling, coaching and facilitating access to available resources.

Wealth and Investments

Our motto is ‘Creating Wealth for All’. ICM Group believes in the accumulation of wealth for purposes of empowering ourselves and others. The pursuit of wealth and success for individual and selfish purposes is the main reason for a highly competitive society, corruption and other societal evils.
ICM Group seeks to identify and assess different investment opportunities that provide better chances of success. These opportunities will assessed, leveraged and shared with other people who share our vision. These include but not limited to property, education, health and beauty products, stock market investments and business partnering, buying equity or acquisitions.
Historically stock market investing has always been the preserve of a minority. Through Stock market education, the ICM Group seeks to change that by propelling the previously disadvantaged towards creating wealth through stock market investments. While many have recently taken to stock market investments, they lack the knowledge and skills required to succeed as a trader. For this reason, ICM is affiliated to the 5Talent Traders Academy, a UK based online academy.





Our Subsidiaries

Contact Us

145 2nd Street, Parkmore,
Sandton, Johannesburg, 2196

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